Prerequisites: students in a masters program must seek the director of the M.A. program in statistics' permission; students in an undergraduate program must seek the director of undergraduate studies in statistics' permission. A general introduction to mathematical statistics and statistical decision theory. Elementary decision theory, Bayes inference, Neyman-Pearson theory, hypothesis testing, most powerful unbiased tests, confidence sets. Estimation: methods, theory, and asymptotic properties. Likelihood ratio tests, multivariate distribution. Elements of general linear hypothesis, invariance, nonparametric methods, sequential analysis.
Prerequisites: STAT G6201 and STAT G6201 This course will mainly focus on nonparametric methods in statistics. A tentavie list of topics to be covered include nonparametric density and regression function estimation -- upper bounds on the risk of kernel estimators and matching lower bounds on the minimax risk, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, bootstrap and resampling methods, multiple hypothesis testing, and high dimensional stastistical analysis.
Prerequisites: A thorough knowledge of elementary real analysis and some previous knowledge of probability. Overview of measure and integration theory. Probability spaces and measures, random variables and distribution functions. Independence, Borel-Cantelli lemma, zero-one laws. Expectation, uniform integrability, sums of independent random variables, stopping times, Wald's equations, elementary renewal theorems. Laws of large numbers. Characteristic functions. Central limit problem; Lindeberg-Feller theorem, infinitely divisible and stable distributions. Cramer's theorem, introduction to large deviations. Law of the iterated logarithm, Brownian motion, heat equation.
Probabilistic Models and Machine Learning is a PhD-level course about how to design and use probability models. We study their mathematical properties, algorithms for computing with them, and applications to real problems. We study both the foundations and modern methods in this field. Our goals are to understand probabilistic modeling, to begin research that makes contributions to this field, and to develop good practices for building and applying probabilistic models.
Independent Study with Faculty Advisor must be registered for every semester after first academic year
Departmental colloquium in statistics.
Departmental colloquium in probability theory.
A colloquiim in applied probability and risk.
A colloquium on topics in mathematical finance