Indigenous people in Ecuador, which represent about 7% of the Ecuadorian population (United Nations, 2015), are disproportionately poor compared with the rest of the population. In 2008 the country embarked on an effort to improve their situation by creating and approving a new constitution. Despite all of these efforts, indigenous people continue to struggle in Ecuador. For indigenous women specially the battle goes beyond the economic hardship, as they face domestic violence and abuse in a daily basis.
The proposed course is designed to provide students with a unique one-to-one interaction with Spanish native speakers in three different sites: the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest Reservation of Papallacta, the Reservation of Mandaripanga, and the Runatupari Community in the Andean Region of Ecuador. It aims to:
1. Explore, learn and document the work some indigenous groups have been doing since the new constitution was approved back in 2008.
2. Provide students with a service-learning opportunity working hand in hand when possible with women community leaders at the different sites.
3. Learn about how their communities work to preserve their resources and maintain a sustainable culture.
4. Immerse themselves in the Spanish language and culture by interacting, sharing, and living with native Spanish speakers.
5. Have student produce a focused final essay linking the key concepts from the readings and their lived experiences in the communities visited.