This course will take on the topic of the analyst’s humanity, mortality and fragility as a way of opening up an area which does not seem to have been officially taught at analytic institutes. Given the nature of the transference /countertransference matrix, these matters are much more complex than the situation that pertains for doctors and practitioners who tend to the physical body. We will focus on the topic of the analyst’s illness and death, from the perspective of expanding our awareness and clinical technique around these difficult to manage topics.
This course is an exploration of play in work with adults and in the nature of interpretation drawing from different theoretical schools, including Field Theory, Independents, and Relational. We will look at the concept of play through constructs such as transference-countertransference engagement, enactment, defense, and unconscious fantasy. We will also consider new elements of play such as the interdependence and paradox of mourning and playing, as well as questions regarding an ethic of playing. The clinical examples that we will present to each other are likely to be puzzling, paradoxical, and enigmatic in capturing places of play within the intersubjective setting of analytic work.