This course is required for all the other courses offered in Neuroscience and Behavior. The course introduces students to the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. The topics include the biological structure of the nervous system and its different cell types, the basis of the action potential, principles of neurotransmission, neuronal basis of behavior, sleep/wake cycles, and basic aspects of clinical neuroscience.
This course provides a hands-on introduction to techniques commonly used in current neurobiological research. Topics covered will include neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and invertebrate animal behavioral genetics. Participation in this course involves dissection of sheep brains and experimentation with invertebrate animals.
This course provides an in-depth examination of the physiological bases of behavior and the development, organization, and function of the nervous system. Specific topics include methods used in behavioral neuroscience, development of the nervous system, sensory and motor systems, homeostasis, sexual differentiation, biological rhythms, stress, learning and memory, psychopathology, and neurological disorders.
This course can be worth 1 to 4 credits (each credit is equivalent to approximately three hours of work per week) and requires a Barnard faculty as a mentor who has to provide written approval. The course entails a scholarly component; for this, a research report is required by the end of the term. The research report can take the form that best suits the nature of the project. The course will be taken for a letter grade, regardless of whether the student chooses 1, 2, 3, or 4 credits.
This upper-level lecture course provides an in-depth analysis of neuroscience at the molecular and cellular levels. Topics include: the structure and function of neuronal membranes, the ionic basis of the membrane potential and action potential, synaptic transmission and sensory transduction.
This seminar delves into the neural circuits and molecular mechanisms responsible for natural animal behaviors (i.e. ethology). Animal models are crucial to biological research. Without fruit flies we would know little about genetic inheritance or how genes relate to fundamental behaviors, such as circadian rhythms. Without the barn owl we would not fully understand how the brain detects interaural time differences and localizes sounds. Without echolocating bats our knowledge of three-dimensional navigation and memory would be diminished. Through the study of animal systems that are specialized for particular sensory and motor acts, scientists have been able to dissect the circuit computations underlying key behaviors, such as decision making, prey detection, foraging, mate selection, and communication, that are fundamental across species. Through short introductory talks and in-depth discussions of primary scientific literature, this course will provide a foundation for understanding these behaviors, and relate discoveries in animal research to broader themes in neurobiology, ecology, and medicine.
Prerequisites: BC1001 and one of the following: Neurobiology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Fundamentals of Neuropsychology, or permission of the instructor. Enrollment limited to 20 students. Recent advancements in neuroscience raise profound ethical questions. Neuroethics integrates neuroscience, philosophy, and ethics in an attempt to address these issues. Reviews current debated topics relevant to the brain, cognition, and behavior. Bioethical and philosophical principles will be applied allowing students to develop skill in ethical analysis.
This seminar will explore sleep and circadian rhythms, emphasizing how these factors and their disruption influence human health, disease, function, and well-being. Topics will include the physiologic and neurobiological generation of sleep and circadian rhythms, and the interaction between these systems with cognitive, behavioral, endocrine, metabolic, and mood/psychiatric variables in humans, as well as sleep disorders and their treatment.
NOTE: The course description is the same for the fall/spring course and the summer course.
This course is a comprehensive review of the neural basis of the emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses to traumatic events. The
experience of trauma and the
of the trauma may influence neural processes influencing social relatedness, attachment, emotional regulation, physiological homeostasis and the stress response. Neuroscientific research provides insight into these processes and informs pharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions for individual survivors.
Students will review neuroscientific theoretical models and research relevant to the neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and neurodevelopmental processes underlying the traumatic response. The neuroendocrine system and its relevance will also be reviewed. The course will begin with a critical review of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) diagnosis of Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders, to acquire an understanding of the symptoms and diagnosis. Next, students will review theory and research relevant to trauma and neurobiology, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Finally, students will critique the application of these research findings to the design of current “neuro-informed” therapeutic interventions. Throughout the course, individual case studies will provide insight into the brain’s influence on symptomatology and foster greater understanding and sensitivity to the personal post-traumatic experience.
Neuroscience research commonly generates datasets that are increasingly complex and large. Open science and data sharing platforms have emerged across a wide range of neuroscience disciplines, laying the foundation for a transformation in the way scientists share, analyze, and reuse immense amounts of data collected in laboratories around the world. This class is designed to introduce students to several open source databases that span multiple investigative levels of neuroscience research. Students will utilize the datasets to conduct individual research projects.
Prerequisites: Open to senior Neuroscience and Behavior majors. Permission of the instructor. This is a year-long course. By the end of the spring semester program planning period during junior year, majors should identify the lab they will be working in during their senior year. Discussion and conferences on a research project culminate in a written and oral senior thesis. Each project must be supervised by a scientist working at Barnard or at another local institution. Successful completion of the seminar substitutes for the major examination.