Introduction to the manual machine operation, CNC fabrication and usage of basic hand tools, band/hack saws, drill presses, grinders and sanders.
Students are strongly advised to consult with the ME Department prior to registering for this course. A study of ship characteristics and types including ship design, hydrodynamic forces, stability, compartmentation, propulsion, electrical and auxiliary systems, interior communications, ship control, and damage control; theory and design of steam, gas turbine, and nuclear propulsion; shipboard safety and firefighting. This course is part of the Naval ROTC program at Columbia but will be taught at SUNY Maritime. Enrollment may be limited; priority is given to students participating in Naval ROTC. Will not count as a technical elective. Students should see a faculty adviser as well as Columbia NROTC staff ( for more information.
Experiments in instrumentation and measurement: optical, pressure, fluid flow, temperature, stress, and electricity; viscometry, cantilever beam, digital data acquisition. Probability theory: distribution, functions of random variables, tests of significance, correlation, ANOVA, linear regression.
Basic continuum concepts. Liquids and gases in static equilibrium. Continuity equation. Two-dimensional kinematics. Equation of motion. Bernoulli’s equation and applications. Equations of energy and angular momentum. Dimensional analysis. Two-dimensional laminar flow. Pipe flow, laminar, and turbulent. Elements of compressible flow.
Basic continuum concepts. Liquids and gases in static equilibrium. Continuity equation. Two-dimensional kinematics. Equation of motion. Bernoulli’s equation and applications. Equations of energy and angular momentum. Dimensional analysis. Two-dimensional laminar flow. Pipe flow, laminar, and turbulent. Elements of compressible flow.
Classical thermodynamics. Basic properties and concepts, thermodynamic properties of pure substances, equation of state, work, heat, the first and second laws for flow and nonflow processes, energy equations, entropy, and irreversibility. Introduction to power and refrigeration cycles.
Classical thermodynamics. Basic properties and concepts, thermodynamic properties of pure substances, equation of state, work, heat, the first and second laws for flow and nonflow processes, energy equations, entropy, and irreversibility. Introduction to power and refrigeration cycles.
Introduction to drafting, engineering graphics, computer graphics, solid modeling, and mechanical engineering design. Interactive computer graphics and numerical methods applied to the solution of mechanical engineering design problems.
Computer-aided analysis of general loading states and deformation of machine components using singularity functions and energy methods. Theoretical introduction to static failure theories, fracture mechanics, and fatigue failure theories. Introduction to conceptual design and design optimization problems. Design of machine components such as springs, shafts, fasteners, lead screws, rivets, welds. Modeling, analysis, and testing of machine assemblies for prescribed design problems. Problems will be drawn from statics, kinematics, dynamics, solid modeling, stress analysis, and design optimization.
Introduction to the mechanics of solids with an emphasis on mechanical engineering applications. Stress tensor, principal stresses, maximum shear stress, stress equilibrium, infinitesimal strain tensor, Hooke’s law, boundary conditions. Introduction to the finite element method for stress analysis. Static failure theories, safety factors, fatigue failure. Assignments include finite element stress analyses using university-provided commercial software.
A preliminary design for an original project is a prerequisite for the capstone design course. Will focus on the steps required for generating a preliminary design concept. Included will be a brainstorming concept generation phase, a literature search, incorporation of multiple constraints, adherence to appropriate engineering codes and standards, and the production of a layout drawing of the proposed capstone design project in a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software package. Note: MECE students only.
Introduction to numerical methods and their applications to rigid body mechanics for mechanisms and linkages. Introduction to finite element stress analysis for deformable bodies. Computer-aided mechanical engineering design using established software tools and verifications against analytical and finite difference solutions.
Independent project involving theoretical, computational, experimental, or engineering design work. May be repeated, but no more than 3 points may be counted toward degree requirements. Projects requiring machine-shop use must be approved by the laboratory supervisor. Students must submit both a project outline prior to registration and a final project write-up at the end of the semester.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used toward the 128-credit degree requirement. Only for MECE undergraduate students who include relevant on-campus and off-campus work experience as part of their approved program of study. Final report and letter of evaluation required. Fieldwork credits may not count toward any major core, technical, elective, and nontechnical requirements. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited.
Enrollment limited to 12 students. Mechatronics is the application of electronics and microcomputers to control mechanical systems. Systems explored include on/off systems, solenoids, stepper motors, DC motors, thermal systems, magnetic levitation. Use of analog and digital electronics and various sensors for control. Programming microcomputers in Assembly and C. Lab required.
Energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, gas hydrates, hydrogen, solar, and wind. Energy conversion systems for electrical power generation, automobiles, propulsion and refrigeration. Engines, steam and gas turbines, wind turbines; devices such as fuel cells, thermoelectric converters, and photovoltaic cells. Specialized topics may include carbon-dioxide sequestration, cogeneration, hybrid vehicles and energy storage devices.
MEMS markets and applications; scaling laws; silicon as a mechanical material; Sensors and actuators; micromechanical analysis and design; substrate (bulk) and surface micromachining; computer aided design; packaging; testing and characterization; microfluidics.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of reacting flows; chemical kinetic mechanisms for fuel oxidation and pollutant formation; transport phenomena; conservation equations for reacting flows; laminar nonpremixed flames (including droplet vaporization and burning); laminar premixed flames; flame stabilization, quenching, ignition, extinction, and other limit phenomena; detonations; flame aerodynamics and turbulent flames.
Review of building energy modeling techniques for simulating time-varying demand. Detailed Physics-based models, gray-box and black-box modeling. Static and dynamic models of building energy systems. Deterministic and Stochastic occupancy modeling. Modeling of control and dispatch of HVAC and local energy systems. Implementation of models in Energyplus and Modelica platforms. Modeling of low and net-zero carbon buildings and local energy systems.
ENME E4202 recommended. Space vehicle dynamics and control, rocket equations, satellite orbits, initial trajectory designs from Earth to other planets, satellite attitude dynamics, gravity gradient stabilization of satellites, spin-stabilized satellites, dual-spin satellites, satellite attitude control, modeling, dynamics, and control of large flexible spacecraft.
Generalized dynamic system modeling and simulation. Fluid, thermal, mechanical, diffusive, electrical, and hybrid systems are considered. Nonlinear and high order systems. System identification problem and Linear Least Squares method. State-space and noise representation. Kalman filter. Parameter estimation via prediction-error and subspace approaches. Iterative and bootstrap methods. Fit criteria. Wide applicability: medical, energy, others. MATLAB and Simulink environments.
Fundamental and advanced topics in evolutionary algorithms and their application to open-ended optimization and computational design. Covers genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and evolutionary strategies, as well as governing dynamic of coevolution and symbiosis. Includes discussions of problem representations and applications to design problems in a variety of domains including software, electronics, and mechanics.
Introduction to the practical application of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence and their application in Mechanical Engineering. A review of relevant programming tools necessary for applying data science is provided, as well as a detailed review of data infrastructure and database construction for data science. A series of industry case studies from experts in the field of data science will be presented.
Overview of robot applications and capabilities. Linear algebra, kinematics, statics, and dynamics of robot manipulators. Survey of sensor technology: force, proximity, vision, compliant manipulators. Motion planning and artificial intelligence; manipulator programming requirements and languages.
Principles of nontraditional manufacturing, nontraditional transport and media. Emphasis on laser assisted materials processing, laser material interactions with applications to laser material removal, forming, and surface modification. Introduction to electrochemical machining, electrical discharge machining and abrasive water jet machining.
Hands-on studio class exposing students to practical aspects of the design, fabrication, and programming of physical robotic systems. Students experience entire robot creation process, covering conceptual design, detailed design, simulation and modeling, digital manufacturing, electronics and sensor design, and software programming.
Engineering fundamentals and experimental methods of human factors design and evaluation for spacecraft which incorporate human-in-the-loop control. Develop understanding of human factors specific to spacecraft design with human-in-the-loop control. Design of human factors experiments utilizing task analysis and user testing with quantitative evaluation metrics to develop a sate and high-performing operational space system. Human-centered design, functional allocation and automation, human sensory performance in the space environment, task analysis, human factors experimental methods and statistics, space vehicle displays and controls, situation awareness, workload, usability, manual piloting and handling qualities, human error analysis and prevention, and anthropometrics.
Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research.
Master's level independent project involving theoretical, computational, experimental, or engineering design work. May be repeated, subject to Master's Program guidelines. Students must submit both a project outline prior to registration and a final project write-up at the end of the semester.
Only for ME graduate students who need relevant off-campus work experience as part of their program of study as determined by the instructor. Written application must be made prior to registration outlining proposed study program. Final reports required. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited. International students must consult with the International Students and Scholars Office.
Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions of motion. Stress and strain rate tensors, vorticity, integral and differential equations of mass, momentum, and energy conservation. Potential flow.
Analysis of stress and strain. Formulation of the problem of elastic equilibrium. Torsion and flexure of prismatic bars. Problems in stress concentration, rotating disks, shrink fits, and curved beams; pressure vessels, contact and impact of elastic bodies, thermal stresses, propagation of elastic waves.
A graduate-level introduction to classical and modern feedback control that does not presume an undergraduate background in control. Scalar and matrix differential equation models and solutions in terms of state transition matrices. Transfer functions and transfer function matrices, block diagram manipulations, closed loop response. Proportional, rate, and integral controllers, and compensators. Design by root locus and frequency response. Controllability and observability. Luenberger observers, pole placement, and linear-quadratic cost controllers.
Research in an area of mechanical engineering culminating in a verbal presentation and a written thesis document approved by the thesis adviser. Must obtain permission from a thesis adviser to enroll. Recommended enrollment for two terms, one of which can be the summer. A maximum of 6 points of master’s thesis may count toward an M.S. degree, and additional research points cannot be counted. On completion of all master’s thesis credits, the thesis adviser will assign a single grade. Students must use a department-recommended format for thesis writing.
Theoretical or experimental study or research in graduate areas in mechanical engineering and engineering science.