An introduction to information transmission and storage, including technological issues. Binary numbers; elementary computer logic; digital speech and image coding; basics of compact disks, telephones, modems, faxes, UPC bar codes, and the World Wide Web. Projects include implementing simple digital logic systems and Web pages. Intended primarily for students outside the School of Engineering and Applied Science. The only prerequisite is a working knowledge of elementary algebra.
Basic concepts of electrical engineering. Exploration of selected topics and their application. Electrical variables, circuit laws, nonlinear and linear elements, ideal and real sources, transducers, operational amplifiers in simple circuits, external behavior of diodes and transistors, first order RC and RL circuits. Digital representation of a signal, digital logic gates, flipflops. A lab is an integral part of the course. Required of electrical engineering and computer engineering majors.
Optical electronics and communications. Microwave circuits. Physical electronics.
Companion lab course for ELEN E3201. Experiments cover such topics as: use of measurement instruments; HSPICE simulation; basic network theorems; linearization of nonlinear circuits using negative feedback; op-amp circuits; integrators; second order RLC circuits. The lab generally meets on alternate weeks.
Companion lab course for ELEN E3801. Experiments cover topics such as: introduction and use of MATLAB for numerical and symbolic calculations; linearity and time invariance; continuous-time convolution; Fourier-series expansion and signal reconstruction; impulse response and transfer function; forced response. The lab generally meets on alternate weeks.
Crystal structure and energy band theory of solids. Carrier concentration and transport in semiconductors. P-n junction and junction transistors. Semiconductor surface and MOS transistors. Optical effects and optoelectronic devices. Fabrication of devices and the effect of process variation and distribution statistics on device and circuit performance.
A course on analysis of linear and nonlinear circuits and their applications. Formulation of circuit equations. Network theorems. Transient response of first and second order circuits. Sinusoidal steady state-analysis. Frequency response of linear circuits. Poles and zeros. Bode plots. Two-port networks.
Design project planning, written and oral technical communication, the origin and role of standards, engineering ethics, and practical aspects of engineering as a profession, such as career development and societal and environmental impact. Generally taken fall of senior year just before ELEN E3390.
Design project planning, written and oral technical communication, the origin and role of standards, engineering ethics, and practical aspects of engineering as a profession, such as career development and societal and environmental impact. Generally taken fall of senior year just before ELEN E3390.
Modeling, description, and classification of signals and systems. Continuous-time systems. Time domain analysis, convolution. Frequency domain analysis, transfer functions. Fourier series. Fourier and Laplace transforms. Discrete-time systems and the Z transform.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Only for Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering undergraduate students who include relevant off-campus work experience as part of their approved program of study. Final report and letter of evaluation required. May not be used as technical or nontechnical electives or to satisfy any other Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering major requirements. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Independent project involving laboratory work, computer programming, analytical investigation, or engineering design.
The biophysics of computation: modeling biological neurons, the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron, modeling channel conductances and synapses as memristive systems, bursting neurons and central pattern generators, I/O equivalence and spiking neuron models. Information representation and neural encoding: stimulus representation with time encoding machines, the geometry of time encoding, encoding with neural circuits with feedback, population time encoding machines. Dendritic computation: elements of spike processing and neural computation, synaptic plasticity and learning algorithms, unsupervised learning and spike time-dependent plasticity, basic dendritic integration. Projects in MATLAB.
Developing features - internal representations of the world, artificial neural networks, classifying handwritten digits with logistics regression, feedforward deep networks, back propagation in multilayer perceptrons, regularization of deep or distributed models, optimization for training deep models, convolutional neural networks, recurrent and recursive neural networks, deep learning in speech and object recognition.
Introduction to computational biology with emphasis on genomic data science tools and methodologies for analyzing data, such as genomic sequences, gene expression measurements and the presence of mutations. Applications of machine learning and exploratory data analysis for predicting drug response and disease progression. Latest technologies related to genomic information, such as single-cell sequencing and CRISPR, and the contributions of genomic data science to the drug development process.
Hands-on experience with basic neural interface technologies. Recording EEG (electroencephalogram) signals using data acquisition systems (non-invasive, scalp recordings). Real-time analysis and monitoring of brain responses. Analysis of intention and perception of external visual and audio signals.
Crystal structure and energy band theory of solids. Carrier concentration and transport in semiconductors. P-n junction and junction transistors. Semiconductor surface and MOS transistors. Optical effects and optoelectronic devices. Fabrication of devices and the effect of process variation and distribution statistics on device and circuit performance. Course shares lectures with ELEN E3106, but the work requirements differ. Undergraduate students are not eligible to register.
Introduction to computer networks and the technical foundations of the Internet, including applications, protocols, local area networks, algorithms for routing and congestion control, security, elementary performance evaluation. Several written and programming assignments required.
Introduction to modern display systems in an engineering context. The basis for visual perception, image representation, color space, metrics of illumination. Physics of luminescence, propagation and manipulation of light in anisotropic media, emissive displays, and spatial light modulators. Fundamentals of display addressing, the Alt-Pleshko theorem, multiple line addressing. Large area electronics, fabrication, and device integration of commercially important display types. A series of short laboratories will reinforce material from the lectures. Enrollment may be limited.
Approximation techniques for magnitude, phase, and delay specifications, transfer function realization sensitivity, passive LC filters, active RC filters, MOSFET-C filters, Gm-C filters, switched-capacitor filters, automatic tuning techniques for integrated filters. Filter noise. A design project is an integral part of the course.
Differential and multistage amplifiers; small-signal analysis; biasing techniques; frequency response; negative feedback; stability criteria; frequency compensation techniques. Analog layout techniques. An extensive design project is an integral part of the course.
Design and analysis of high speed logic and memory. Digital CMOS and BiCMOS device modeling. Integrated circuit fabrication and layout. Interconnect and parasitic elements. Static and dynamic techniques. Worst-case design. Heat removal and I/O. Yield and circuit reliability. Logic gates, pass logic, latches, PLAs, ROMs, RAMs, receivers, drivers, repeaters, sense amplifiers.
Introduction to power electronics; power semiconductor devices: power diodes, thyristors, commutation techniques, power transistors, power MOSFETs, Triac, IGBTs, etc. and switch selection; non-sinusoidal power definitions and computations, modeling, and simulation; half-wave rectifiers; single-phase, full-wave rectifiers; three-phase rectifiers; AC voltage controllers; DC/DC buck, boost, and buck-boost converters; discontinuous conduction mode of operation; DC power supplies: Flyback, Forward converter; DC/AC inverters, PWM techniques; three-phase inverters.
Planar resonators. Photons and photon streams. Photons and atoms: energy levels and band structure; interactions of photons with matter; absorption, stimulated and spontaneous emission; thermal light, luminescence light. Laser amplifiers: gain, saturation, and phase shift; rate equations; pumping. Lasers: theory of oscillation; laser output characteristics. Photons in semiconductors: generation, recombination, and injection; heterostructures; absorption and gain coefficients. Semiconductor photon sources: LEDs; semiconductor optical amplifiers; homojunction and heterojunction laser diodes. Semiconductor photon detectors: p-n, p-i-n, and heterostructure photo diodes; avalanche photodiodes.
Introduction to optical systems based on physical design and engineering principles. Fundamental geometrical and wave optics with specific emphasis on developing analytical and numerical tools used in optical engineering design. Focus on applications that employ optical systems and networks, including examples in holographic imaging, tomography, Fourier imaging, confocal microscopy, optical signal processing, fiber optic communication systems, optical interconnects and networks.
Modeling of power networks, steady-state and transient behaviors, control and optimization, electricity market, and smart grid.
Theory of convex optimization; numerical algorithms; applications in circuits, communications, control, signal processing and power systems.
Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things. Various sensors and actuators, communication with devices through serial protocols and buses, embedded hardware, wired and wireless networks, embedded platforms such as Arduino and smartphones, web services on end devices and in the cloud, visualization and analytics on sensor data, end-to-end IoT applications. Group projects to create working CPS/IoT system.
Digital filtering in time and frequency domain, including properties of discrete-time signals and systems, sampling theory, transform analysis, system structures, IIR and FIR filter design techniques, the discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transforms.
An introduction to modern digital system design. Advanced topics in digital logic: controller synthesis (Mealy and Moore machines); adders and multipliers; structured logic blocks (PLDs, PALs, ROMs); iterative circuits. Modern design methodology: register transfer level modelling (RTL); algorithmic state machines (ASMs); introduction to hardware description languages (VHDL or Verilog); system-level modelling and simulation; design examples.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909.
Science and technology of conventional and advanced microfabrication techniques for electronics, integrated and discrete components. Topics include diffusion; ion implantation, thin-film growth including oxides and metals, molecular beam and liquid-phase epitaxy; optical and advanced lithography; and plasma and wet etching.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Substantial independent project involving laboratory work, computer programming, analytical investigation, or engineering design.
May be repeated for up to 6 points of credit. Graduate-level projects in various areas of electrical engineering and computer science. In consultation with an instructor, each student designs his or her project depending on the students previous training and experience. Students should consult with a professor in their area for detailed arrangements no later than the last day of registration.