Various concepts within the field of biomedical engineering, foundational knowledge of engineering methodology applied to biological and/or medical problems through modules in biomechanics, bioinstrumentation, and biomedical imaging.
Biomedical experimental design and hypothesis testing. Statistical analysis of experimental measurements. Analysis of experimental measurements. Analysis of variance, post hoc testing. Fluid shear and cell adhesion, neuro-electrophysiology, soft tissue biomechanics, biomecial imaging and ultrasound, characterization of excitable tissues, microfluidics.
Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research.
A two-semester design sequence to be taken in the senior year. Elements of the design process, with specific applications to biomedical engineering: concept formulation, systems synthesis, design analysis, optimization, biocompatibility, impact on patient health and comfort, health care costs, regulatory issues, and medical ethics. Selection and execution of a project involving the design of an actual engineering device or system. Introduction to entrepreneurship, biomedical start-ups, and venture capital. Semester I: statistical analysis of detection/classification systems (receiver operation characteristic analysis, logistic regression), development of design prototype, need, approach, benefits and competition analysis. Semester II: spiral develop process and testing, iteration and refinement of the initial design/prototype and business plan development. A lab fee of $100 each is collected.
Independent projects involving experimental, theoretical, computational, or engineering design work. May be repeated, but no more than 3 points of this or any other projects or research course may be counted toward the technical elective degree requirements as engineering technical electives.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used toward the 128-credit degree requirement. Only for BMEN undergraduate students who include relevant off-campus work experience as part of their approved program of study. Final report and letter of evaluation required. Fieldwork credits may not count toward any major core, technical, elective, and non-technical requirements. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited.
Current topics in biomedical engineering. Subject matter will vary by year.
Current topics in biomedical engineering. Subject matter will vary by year.
Current topics in biomedical engineering. Subject matter will vary by year.
Current topics in biomedical engineering. Subject matter will vary by year.
Students are introduced to a quantitative, engineering approach to cellular biology and mammalian physiology. Beginning with biological issues related to the cell, the course progresses to considerations of the major physiological systems of the human body (nervous, circulatory, respiratory, renal).
Biophysical mechanisms of tissue organization
during embryonic development: conservation laws, reaction-diffusion, finite elasticity, and fluid mechanics are reviewed and applied to a broad range of topics in developmental biology, from early development to later organogenesis of the central nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. Subdivided into modules on patterning (conversion of diffusible cues into cell fates) and morphogenesis (shaping of tissues), the course will include lectures, problem sets, reading of primary literature, and a final project.
Fundamental principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), including the underlying spin physics and mathematics of image formation with an emphasis on the application of MRI to neuroimaging, both anatomical and functional. The examines both theory and experimental design techniques.
Introduction to methods in deep learning, with focus on applications to quantitative problems in biomedical imaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medicine. Network models: Deep feedforward networks, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks. Deep autoencoders for denoising. Segmentation and classification of biological tissues and biomarkers of disease. Theory and methods lectures will be accompanied with examples from biomedical image including analysis of neurological images of the brain (MRI), CT images of the lung for cancer and COPD, cardiac ultrasound. Programming assignments will use tensorflow / Pytorch and Jupyter Notebook. Examinations and a final project will also be required.
Introduction to statistical machine learning methods using applications in genomic data and in particular high-dimensional single-cell data. Concepts of molecular biology relevant to genomic technologies, challenges of high-dimensional genomic data analysis, bioinformatics preprocessing pipelines, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised learning, clustering, probabilistic modeling, hidden Markov models, Gibbs sampling, deep neural networks, gene regulation. Programming assignments and final project will be required.
Design, fabrication, and application of micro-/nanostructured systems for cell engineering. Recognition and response of cells to spatial aspects of their extracellular environment. Focus on neural, cardiac, coculture, and stem cell systems. Molecular complexes at the nanoscale.
Fundamentals of nanobioscience and nanobiotechnology, scientific foundations, engineering principles, current and envisioned applications. Includes discussion of intermolecular forces and bonding, of kinetics and thermodynamics of self-assembly, of nanoscale transport processes arising from actions of biomolecular motors, computation and control in biomolecular systems, and of mitochondrium as an example of a nanoscale factory.
Topics include biomicroelectromechanical, microfluidic, and lab-on-a-chip systems in biomedical engineering, with a focus on cellular and molecular applications. Microfabrication techniques, biocompatibility, miniaturization of analytical and diagnostic devices, high-throughput cellular studies, microfabrication for tissue engineering, and in vivo devices.
Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research.